How Depending On Others Can Enhance Your Business

Kathrine Lee has worn many hats throughout her career. From consultant and business owner, to running her own non profit while raising a family she has a lot of wisdom to share. We couldn't wait till April to hear from her in person at The W Conference 2018, so we had a little Q&A with her so you could get to know her a little better. Thanks for spending some time with us Kathrine!

image via unsplash

image via unsplash

Can you tell us a little bit about your background in business strategy? When was it clear that you had a passion for helping people develop their business?

I have worked as a business strategist for over 20 years. I begin my career helping women launch franchises and then gradually worked into corporate America as well as working within media and with authors. I have always had a heart to help people live the life they were originally designed to live and make an impact in marketplace ministry.

In your opinion, what’s one thing all business owners should do to set themselves up for success?

I believe all business owners should have a vision for their future along with a very clear strategic plan. Most leaders do not understand how important it is for others to have a clear pathway to follow. When you know where you’re going others will join in. I also think the most important aspect of a successful business person is to be prayerful. God knows much better than any of us the strategies that will bring the success He wants for His glory and the success of His people. I think too often we create vision and goals based on what the world considers a success rather than what God is calling us to. I love teaching people how to discern between the two.

You started Pure Hope Foundation to restore survivors of sex trafficking. When did you decide to take the plunge and start your own non profit?

With every success I had in business, I always felt that there was something missing, a calling on my life that would be attached to something significant. It was a complete surprise to me when God revealed it to be the issue of sex trafficking. Yet, once I knew about this issue, I couldn’t turn my back. The most amazing thing is that all of my business experience and personal development strategies apply to helping these women get on their feet again and thrive. God doesn’t waste anything.

To you, what has been the most impactful aspect of running your own non profit?

The most impactful aspect of running my own nonprofit was having to depend on other people. I’m not just talking about relying on someone to do their part. I’m talking about a DEPENDENCE that you know nothing can happen unless you all do it together. This issue is so huge that I really had to learn to allow others to jump in and help. I also realize, in a very deep way, the blessing it is when you allow others to contribute. I thought I understood that in business but it’s so much greater when you’re dealing with deeper needs & issues.

Have you ever struggled with the fear that you won’t be able to keep up with all of your responsibilities at work and at home? What strategies do you find helpful in being proactive in this area?

Years ago the Lord spoke to my heart, “you will not sacrifice your family on the altar of ministry or money.” I have never forgotten that so I daily ask Him to show me how to plan according to my priorities. I certainly am not perfect but I have never lost sight of what my first ministry is. It is one of my favorite topics to teach on because I have seen the hand of God provide things when I live in that way that I could’ve never made happen.

We’re excited to welcome you to the W Conference again this year! What is your favorite part of the weekend we spend together?

My favorite part of the weekend is spending time with such high-quality women in a gorgeous environment. There is something so beautiful when women gather together to encourage and teach each other. When women unite there is nothing more powerful.

What book is currently on your bedside table?

That’s a hard question because I always have a stack of books on my bedside table. In this season there is a stack that includes At This Given Moment You Will Find Something by Max Lucado, Lisa Bevere, Floyd McClung, Mark Bubeck & Mark Batterson.

kathrine Lee

Read more about Pure Hope Foundation, or follow them on Facebook & Instagram. Purchase kathrine's book here.


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